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Grafana Dashboard for SD-WAN Gateway (VCG)

About the sample Grafana dashboard for VCG

Before jumping to how to configure the Grafana, I would like to point out couple things about sample dashboard provided in this post (the json you download from the first page)

The supported counters is such a long list, I picked a few counters which I believe most people would like to have them available in the dashboard. The following are the counters included in the dashboard:

- mem_available (Memory available)
- Sum of all cpu_usage (Total CPU usage in percentage)
- num_paths_PATH_STABLE, num_paths_UNSTABLE, num_paths_QUIET, num_paths_INITIAL-
- number_of_edges
- active_NAT_entries
- number_of_flows
- number_of_routes
- tx_bytes and rx_bytes (Per Enterprise, represent as 5 minutes average throughout)
- tx_packets and rx_packets (Per Enterprise, represent as 5 minutes average packet rate)

If any counters you want but it is not in the dashboard, free feel to add them by yourself.

Secondly, the dashboard utilize variable to allow monitor multiple VCGs and each VCG is an individual job. At the top of the dashboard, there is an drop-down selection “Select VCG” to allow select one of the VCG in the Prometheus job list to read the corresponding metrics. If the panel is intended for “Per Enterprise”, there is another drop-down selection for you to select the corresponding Enterprise.

Finally, if you find anything is not correct in the dashboard, please either leave a comment or ping me via linkedin, I will try my best to fix the dashboard.

Configure Grafana

Step 1: Add data source

Open the browser, visit port 3000 of the Grafana to access the Grafana GUI.

The following series of screen capture demonstrate how to add the Prometheus as the data source:

Figure 12 – Click configuration and click “Add data source”
Figure 13- Select Prometheus under Time series databases
Figure 14 – Configure a name for the data source. The URL is the Prometheus which configured to collect the VCG metrics
Figure 15 – Change the scrape interval to 60s and then click “Save & test”
Figure 16 – The expected result is get a green tick saying “Data source is working”

At this point the data source is added successfully

Step 2: Import the dashboard

The following screen captures demonstrate how to import the dashboard:

Figure 17 – Go to Dashboards and click import
Figure 18 – Upload the json template you downloaded from the first page
Figure 19 – Name the dashboard and select the data source

At this point, the import of the dashboard is completed, and the dashboard is ready.

Grafana Dashboard for SD-WAN Gateway (VCG)

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